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KSh 3,221,410
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AboutHummer H2

+97155 370 4819
Body type
Body TypeHatchback & Station Wagons
Fuel type
Fuel TypePetrol
Air con
Air ConN/A
Drive type
Drive TypeN/A

Seller comment

Use the safest, easiest way to import this car from the UAE with our global partner Dubi Cars. We give you peace of mind with two inspections, video, transfer of ownership, 24/7 assistance and quality shipping. Get your FREE Import Quote today!

Who we are ?‎ ‎Al Qassem Group For cars A name you can trust Welcome to Al Qassem Group Showrooms, We've been in the auto industry for 23 ‎years in UAE,15 years in Jordan, And more than 30 years in Iraq. (Our Mission) To make passion our currency, relationships our bottom line and trust our trademark. (Our Values) Integrity, Quality, Reliability, Diversity. We are true to self and others. We are honest in our dealings.‎ We aim to deliver the best and make it better. We offer an excellent experience.‎ We keep promises. We are always there for you.‎ We embrace change. We respect differences

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+97155 370 4819

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3 steps to peace of mind

  • Find a car to import
  • Pay only $399 - 2 car inspections & video - plus we handle all the paperwork
  • Ship and track!

We take care of everything!

  • 170-point independent inspection
  • Personal assistance and seller liaison
  • paperwork, including customs and transfer of ownership
  • Secure payment of the car
  • Quality shipping at the best rates
KSh 3,221,410
Call the seller
+97155 370 4819
Make an offer


3 steps to peace of mind

  • Find a car to import
  • Pay only $399 - 2 car inspections & video - plus we handle all the paperwork
  • Ship and track!

We take care of everything!

  • 170-point independent inspection
  • Personal assistance and seller liaison
  • paperwork, including customs and transfer of ownership
  • Secure payment of the car
  • Quality shipping at the best rates